Chris Vecchio

Rowan University Art Gallery
"SIMULATE - PERMEATE: Examining materiality, experience, and authorship in technology-based art"
January 20 to March 7, 2015, Glassboro, NJ

Rowan University Art Gallery
"Dialogic: Exploring contradictions, hidden meanings, and ideologies of language."
September 3 - October 8, Glassboro, NJ

Hicks Art Center
"Tinguely’s Children: Sculptors of the Post-industrial Machine Age"
August – October, Newtown, PA

Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education
"Supplemental Shrubbery Sound Source", installation.
May-October 2007, Philadelphia, PA

Gallery Joe
"Remote", installation in the park at 3rd and Arch Streets
September-December 2006, Philadelphia, PA

PSWAR Gallery
"SpeakHere!" an installation in collaboration with Nicole Cousino.
May-June 2006, Amsterdam Holland

Madrid Abierto
"SpeakHere!" an installation in collaboration with Nicole Cousino.
February 2006, Madrid, Spain

"Coin-Op Assemblage", Off the Wall Gallery at Dirty Franks
April-May 2006, Philadelphia, PA

Esther Klein Gallery, "Sound Gauntlet", Invited installation for The Faux Show,
November-December 2005, Philadelphia, PA.

Susquehanna Museum of Art,
solo show
May-June 2005, Harrisburg, PA.

Myers Gallery
at the Tulsa Living Arts Center, solo show
January 2005, Tulsa, OK.

Subtle Nothings

Borowsky Gallery, May-August 2004, Philadelphia, PA


Dzyga Institute of Contemporary Art
, solo show
August 2003, Lviv, Ukraine

Hungarian Sculptural Exchange Exhibition
November 20
02, Janus Pannonius Museum, Pecs, Hungary

Evidence of Toolmaking, solo show
June 2002, Nexus, Foundation for Today’s Art, Philadelphia, PA

June 2002, DaVinci Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA

Building Unique Works
May-August 2002, Washington Square, Washington, DC

Contemporary Philosophies
September 2001, Bridgette Mayer Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

New Directions
April 2001, Main Line Art Center, Haverford, PA

Future Imperfect
February-March 2001, Sharadin Gallery, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA

Construction, works that challenge the categorical definitions of art.
September-October 2000, Painted Bride Art Center, 230 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA

Every day I think of you, installation, supported by the Philadelphia Fringe Festival
September 2000, at 2nd Street and Elfreth’s Alley, Philadelphia, PA

Beginnings and Endings, winner of Juror’s prize
November 1999-February 2000, Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, Wilmington, DE

Place of Memory: an archaeology of site specificity
November 1999-January 2000, Temple University Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Bridging the Gender Gap, Proximity, and Window to the Past
Installations (located in bathrooms) as part of the 1999 Visual Fringe Festival
in conjunction with Dissentia Curatorial Services, Philadelphia PA.

Technology Fetish
, An exhibition of handmade electronic objects
April 1999 solo show at Nexus, Foundation for Today’s Art, Philadelphia PA.

contemporary art, electronic art, new media, kinetic art, installation art, engineering, chris vecchio